BioRePeel: A complete reset for your skin
What it is…
BioRePeel is a no peeling, no pain, no downtime TCA peel. Unlike other TCA peels, BioRePeel bypasses the top layers of skin and creates action in the deeper layers that exfoliate and promote cellular turnover. It works to address the origins of sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, skin pigmentation conditions and more. Where other products are effectively burning their way down to the problem cells, BioRePeel works from the inside out.
Who it’s for…
BioRePeel is safe for use with ALL skin tones, and is an effective means of addressing active acne, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation conditions, and more. For those interested in general anti-aging, BioRePeel stimulates fibroblast activity which assists with a significant improvement in collagen and elastin production, aka the tightening and firming ingredients of the skin. Essentially, BioRePeel is for EVERYONE!
What to expect…
The chemicals that we use to treat your skin are strong for maximum efficacy, and you may experience some stinging and/or burning during the peel. We like to call it “spicy”, and it means the peel is doing what it needs to do! Don’t sweat it too much–we have a handheld fan to help ease your discomfort. You can immediately expect to feel tight and sensitive, but skin will relax over the following 24-48 hours or so.
After your treatment, you may need to take an OTC pain reliever such as Tylenol for any discomfort and/or minimal swelling. Also keep in mind that your skin is going to need a lot of love and protection–we did just shed the top layer with a chemical peel. Be extra diligent with your spf (as you always are, ofcourse) and avoid direct sun exposure for the next week or so. You can expect some mild peeling for up to 7 days post-peel, then soft, new, glowing skin!
How often to book…
The frequency of treatment will depend on severity and areas of concern you want to treat. For more severe acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles, we may recommend a series of 3-4 peels spaced 6-8 weeks apart. If you’re looking to maintain your glow and a quick quarterly reset, we recommend the BioRePeel every 3 months!