It’s ALWAYS laser season at santāl skin!
If you’re looking for a way to invest in yourself, it’s LASER. HAIR. REMOVAL. Let us tell you why…
Unwanted hair is so not the vibe, and neither is all the time spent in the shower trying to hit all those awkward angles. Ready to be hair free + care free? Laser hair removal is the answer, babe. 6-12 sessions and we promise it WILL change your life! At santāl skin, we invested in the best laser hair removal technology out there. It combines 2 wavelengths that allow us to safely *and* effectively treat every single skin tone.
Not sure where to start? While we can treat pretty much everywhere from head to toe, there are definitely a handful of areas that tend to be most popular among our staff + patients!
#1 Full Brazilian
For the women, and “manzilians” for our counterparts. We treat the front, the back, and everything in between. This area is popular and confidence-boosting for nearly all of our patients. File this under: high maintenance to be low maintenance.
Spicy level: 3-4
Time to Treat: 15 minutes
#2 Underarms
This is generally a patient’s favorite area to start with, and most feel is “safe” for their first laser hair removal treatment. It’s also a quick treatment due to the small surface area, and makes a great add-on to larger treatment areas. Raise your hand if you never want to deal with painful waxing and/or razor burn ever again!
Spice level: 1-2
Time to Treat: 5 minutes
#3 Full Face
This versatile treatment area is another client fav. Whether you treat smaller areas like the chin or upper lip, our laser is precise and safe to treat on all areas of the face. Keep in mind, facial hair growth is often hormonal and may require more maintenance than other areas of the body.
Spice level: 2-3
Time of Treatment: 10 minutes
#4 Legs
Imagine a time where you never have to shave your legs again–no spiky stubble under the sheets, and being able to slip on your favorite shorts or dresses without a second thought. This is an extremely popular area for our patients with dark hair, and would be even more popular if we were able to treat our patients with lighter leg hair! This is a larger surface area, so plan for a longer treatment time. We offer the choice to treat either half or full legs!
Spice Level: 4-5
Time of Treatment: 30 minutes
#5 Full Back
This is the most popular treatment among our male clients. We get it guys–you want a smooth and hairless back and we’re here for you! Say goodbye to in-growns and the painful waxing appointments. While lasers can be a bit intimidating, it is the most effective and long-term solution for unwanted back hair.
Spice Level: 3-4
Time of Treatment: 15 minutes
Things to know before your appt:
Wait at least 4 weeks from your last wax or tweeze.
Shave prior to your appointment.
It’s fast (i.e. a full brazilian will take 15 minutes)! It’s faster than a wax and it’s a more permanent hair reduction method. Seriously–we’ll do your whole body in an hour!
It’s mostly painless… let’s hear it for our girl *cryogen*! Our zimmer cools the skin for a more comfortable LHR experience.